




The known presence of PFAS in the Marinette area spurred Waupaca铸造 to test for the chemicals while having utility work done at its site. Exactly what the PFAS detected on Waupaca’s property stems from is difficult to say, Neste说. “看起来它来自于之前使用该网站. 威尼斯注册送38元并没有释放这些化合物,大卫·内斯特说, 威斯康星州自然资源部的水文地质学家.

The publicity about a PFAS contamination stemming from Johnson Controls’ Tyco fire training facility isn’t the kind of news most cities or states desire, 但这种意识可能有助于防止更大的问题.

The heightened awareness prompted Waupaca铸造 to take soil and groundwater samples in 2019 while it was beginning utility work in Marinette on the island at the mouth of the Menominee River. 样品中发现PFAS.

“我们一知道就知道了, we turned around and told the Department of Natural Resources we found some PFAS,——布莱恩特·埃施, 威尼斯注册送38元环境工程主任, 周一表示.

从那时起, we’ve been doing site investigation work and working cooperatively with the Department of Natural Resources and learning more about any PFAS that is or isn’t there,埃施说.

PFAS—or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—are chemicals used in a variety of products, 从消防泡沫到不粘锅. 它们会随着时间的推移而积累并导致健康问题, 比如癌症, 降低生育能力, 儿童发育迟缓, 增加胆固醇水平和肥胖风险, 美国.S. 环境保护署说.

PFAS is the umbrella term used for dozens of chemicals in the same general family. 美国环保署表示,在水、食品、产品和包装中都检测到了这些物质.

现在的问题是,在梅诺米尼河中可能有多少PFAS, 通往威尼斯注册送38元所在的绿湾. “这是一个非常好的问题,”埃施说. “这就是进行现场调查的目的. You can have all these theories—here’s where it’s coming from and here’s the appropriate actions to take to resolve it. 这就是我们一直在与自然资源部合作的问题.”

1974年,威尼斯注册送38元开设了马里内特工厂, 人们不知道PFAS是一个问题,也没有对它进行检测. 今天, testing is routine in the Marinette area in part because of news about PFAS from Johnson Controls and Tyco.

“我们知道PFAS在Marinette-Peshtigo地区一直是一个大话题. 我们认为这与我们无关,”埃施说. The results of the soil sampling were a surprise to Waupaca and to the Department of Natural Resources.

2019年7月,美国输电公司(American Transmission Co .. notified Waupaca it found PFAS when it tested the soil and groundwater at a transformer substation on the island. 地下水的结果, PFOS was detected at 200 parts per trillion and PFOA at 110 parts per trillion. 浓度超过了建议的执行标准.

而威斯康星州的立法机构还没有通过PFAS的限制, the Department of Natural Resources is using recommendations from the Department of Health Services.

“正如你可能知道的那样,江森自控对地区产生了影响. 我们怀疑是从那里来的. 但当我们拿到数据的时候, 很明显,现场受到了污染,大卫·内斯特说, 威斯康星州自然资源部的水文地质学家.


Now Waupaca is working with AECOM and other companies to monitor and address the issue. 2019年9月, AECOM installed a groundwater monitoring well and collected soil and groundwater samples. 土壤中PFAS含量低于建议限量, 而地下水样本中PFOA含量为万亿分之72, 超过建议上限.

9月11日,当地下水在Changeyard return Pit自然收集时. 18, 2019 , 沃帕卡取了样本送到萨克拉门托的欧芬公司, 加州, for analysis using Michigan’s PFAS-24 list because Wisconsin hadn’t yet formalized its list of 36 PFAS chemicals. 这些结果表明,全氟辛烷磺酸为490万亿分之一,全氟辛烷磺酸为2万亿分之一.9万亿分之一,超过了建议的上限.

众所周知,PFAS可以在水中传播, so the results raise new questions about where else the chemicals might be found in the Menominee River and Bay of Green Bay.

“What we will be doing is monitoring for a while to determine the extent and make sure it’s not impacting drinking water,内斯特说。.

内斯特说,到目前为止,结果并不令人担忧. “这不是一个大问题,”他说. 如果用10来打分,他会打1或2分.

Unlike the PFAS contamination found in groundwater requiring alternate water options for residents in some areas of the Town of Peshtigo, Neste说, “这不是住宅. 这是市. Marinette监测市政用水.”

Neste说 he suspects the end result will be monitoring for at least five years “to make sure it’s not traveling beyond the boundaries of the site.” If it is, the Department of Natural Resources will notify affected property owners.

Given the location of the facility at the mouth of the Menominee River where it opens into the Bay of Green Bay, he said the Department of Natural Resources will look east of Ogden Street as well as at Waupaca’s facility west of the Ogden Street bridge to determine the extent of the problem.

“The next step is to monitor the well to the east of Ogden Street to see if the contamination is migrating over to that section,他说.

The elevated PFAS levels haven’t been found in the immediate area used for drinking water, he said. “该区域没有很多受体. 没有人在喝水.”

The foundry is within yards of boundary with the city of Menominee and not far from Menominee’s wastewater treatment plant. While the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has worked with Michigan on the Johnson Controls PFAS investigation, 这个调查目前不涉及密歇根, Neste说.

“With this site, I haven’t really had any communication with the State of Michigan about it. 如果我们在河的另一边发现了污染, 我们肯定会和密歇根联系.”

The EagleHerald has contacted local Menominee authorities and the State of Michigan about PFAS levels but hasn’t had its questions addressed. Foam on the Menominee side of the Bay of Green Bay hasn’t been fully explained. 有些人认为这是自然原因.

Exactly what the PFAS detected on Waupaca’s property stems from is difficult to say, Neste说. “PFAS has been present in products since the late ‘40s and early ‘50s,他说.

“看起来它来自于之前使用该网站. 威尼斯注册送38元并没有释放这些化合物,内斯特说。.

但根据威斯康辛州的法规,沃帕卡是责任方. “沃帕卡必须买单,”内斯特说. “他们是主人. 我们不知道谁是罪魁祸首. 拥有人为责任方.”

Waupaca employs about 700 people at the Marinette site, where it make automotive parts. “显然,我们是一个金属铸造者. 我们收集废金属,这些都是本来会被处理掉的金属. 在马里内特,我们用的是电炉. 我们把它融化,然后倒进砂模里. 我们让它冷却,然后你就有了你的新零件,”埃施说.

“We’ve done a pretty intensive search with the Department of Natural Resources in our entire use,埃施说. 他说,金属铸造过程中不使用PFAS. “我们非常确信我们不是消息来源.”

而一些PFAS可能包含在旧的, 涂覆或涂漆产品, 埃施说,该公司对熔化的金属很挑剔. “I’m not aware of any study that shows PFAS is demonstrated in scrap metal,他说. “废料很干净, so there’s not much opportunity for PFAS or plasticky material to get into the stream.”

An AECOM reports said the first commercial use of the site was for a lumber mill 100 years ago. 然后它变成了马里内特市的城市垃圾垃圾场. 内斯特说:“那个岛的很大一部分是用固体废物填埋的。.

“There was a time when cities just dumped whatever on it and then filled it,内斯特说。. “If you look at the way the areas of fill line up with the hot spots of contamination, 看起来PFAS的来源可能是那些填充物.”

#马里内特 #可持续性