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威尼斯注册送38元 - 2021年11月19日


金正日Phelan | 现代铸造


The complexities of designing, 发展中, 汽车部件的铸造和后期处理很像音乐的制作——需要协作, harmonious effort among many skilled professionals, but the 汽车 industry is beginning a new overture. 

利纳玛高级冶金学家雷米·马丁内斯喜欢用这种比喻的方式来看待铸件, 尽管汽车正在从内燃机汽车(ICEVs)向电动汽车(ev)缓慢过渡。. 在这一演变过程中,代工厂将不断改变和磨练他们的专业知识,以满足oem不断变化的需求, or, 在某些情况下, 从长远来看,他们的业务向其他领域多元化.

But for the next two or three decades to come, 铸造s in ICEVs are not only safe from extinction, they’ll continue getting lighter and performing better. 

今天, EVs represent roughly 5% of on-road vehicles, 而推动它们在北美增长的采用面临着许多障碍, 这意味着它们的逐步实施可能更像是涓涓细流,而不是一些人希望看到的洪水. 

Whether they climb to the 50% mark in 10 years or 20, and then to greater marketshare after that, 更多的电动汽车最终将意味着汽车行业的铸件数量减少, 期. 随着越来越多的原始设备制造商和零部件制造商加入到将大部分或全部R&D investment to EVs going forward, it might seem the die’s been cast for a dim ICEV future, but the game’s far from over for ICEVs and their myriad 铸造s. 

“ICE vehicles are not going away anytime soon,” said Mick North, CEO and president at Anderson Global, 一家模具和铸造解决方案公司,目前95%的业务是汽车. “A couple of years ago, 媒体上有一股热血沸腾的情绪,认为到2025年我们都将电气化, and that’s absolutely not going to happen. Is it going to happen eventually? 是的. It’s just a function of what you think the timeframe is ... 这将取决于不同的市场——欧洲和亚洲是不同的, which is different from the United States. 

“最终, ICE vehicles are not going away completely, but there’s going to be a significant switch. Any way you cut it, there will be less 铸造s. 我们已经可以看到,电动汽车领域正在开发的新车数量庞大. Even as recently as the end of September, 福特宣布将在美国投资110亿美元用于电池制造, tells you where it’s going.”

While convinced the change is relatively far off, 尽管如此,为了减少对电动汽车业务的依赖,北韩正在慎重地向新领域进行多元化转型. 他说,他还相信制造业的广泛回流将点燃美国金属铸件的大幅增长.S. over the next five years. 


Testifying to their own fight for life, ICEVs boast recent improvements in efficiencies, 值得注意的是涡轮增压技术的出现,通过在燃烧中使用压缩空气,将更大的动力压缩到更小的包装中, said AFS Member Andrew Halonen, 专注于汽车行业的五月花咨询有限责任公司的所有者. 他说,事实上,发动机整体效率最高的是小型化趋势. 

With turbo global sales numbered at 45 million, it’s been a significant innovation for ICEVs, he added––and the number will increase. “从最小的摩托车到轮船,基本上任何集成电路发动机都可以看到涡轮增压.”

icev在工程界最受关注的是轻量化. 但在电动汽车上发生的事情不会只停留在电动汽车上——相当多的电动汽车减重铸件将与电动汽车相关, 也, according to Halonen.  

如果不是受到企业平均燃油经济性(CAFE)等法规的约束,原始设备制造商是否会不遗余力地制造更轻的零部件?? 也许不会,Halonen说,但这种努力确实会带来一些好处. 而且,ICEVs越轻,它们就越有可能与电动汽车竞争.

好处没有. 轻量化的一大优点是明显的燃油效率,这意味着更少的污染.  Industry insiders, including North, 承认温室气体减排的全球标准只会提高, making better fuel economy extremely important.  

“One of the levers you can pull is weight of the vehicle,” he said. “There are other technologies, such as stop-start technology,  杂交, and increasingly sophisticated software controls in the engine, but the weight is a big one. I’m not sure exactly where it ranks, but it’s got to be close to the top of the most important things.”

在联邦法规和税收的激励下,制造商在考虑消费者对新车的“有效载荷”时,不得不考虑权衡取舍. Maybe that’s a heated seat, or big screens on the dashboard, or airbags all over the vehicle, or more sensors, 哈洛宁表示. The key is balancing weight to stay within a certain tax category, so a pound of every bell, 口哨或安全功能的增加意味着移除一磅别的东西, which is where lightweighting a 铸造 comes in.  

Decisions, Decisions

The rationale for lightweighting can be very subjective, driven by human personalities and preferences, 制定车辆决策的层次就像众所周知的洋葱, according to Halonen. 不过,他说,最终,这通常取决于成本,而不仅仅是重量.

“Look at the 2020 Ford Explorer,” he said. “他们在减肥上花了很多钱,其中一些是铸造, like the shock towers. 然而, 他们在2017年把前关节从铸铝关节换成了2020年的球墨铸铁关节,他们可能增加了10磅重. 对车辆. But ductile iron is much lower cost than cast aluminum, so it was clearly a cost savings play at the expense of weight.”

Far from arbitrary, weight specifications are determined by a number of considerations, including the tradeoffs for new features. 但具有讽刺意味的是, 最新型号的电动汽车可能不会重新发明轮子, 打个比方——因为铸件的重量有时是由零件的前身设定的.

“The baseline is the prior component,” 哈洛宁表示. “很多人都认为,原始设备制造商拥有丰富的资源,可以去评估制造产品的最佳方式. In reality, the opposite is true most of the time. If they’re going to do a vehicle refresh, 他们只有很短的时间来做出设计决策,以及他们将朝着哪个方向去完成设计, get the prototypes, get vehicles tested on the track, get them signed off, 制作工具, and go into production. 整个时间线都被压缩了,他们很少有机会说出来, ‘Should this knuckle be cast out of this or forged out of that?’’”

自然, 零件制造商接受OEM客户的订单, 尽管在如何实现最终目标的问题上存在着相互妥协. 

“Let me give you an example,马丁内斯说。. “很多时候,我们必须与客户合作,在当地重新设计零件,因为当我们进行开发时, we realize that the cross section in that area is not large enough, and we’ll have creational defects when we do the 铸造 process. If that area is not functional for the part, 我们通常会对其进行优化,使其更适合铸造工艺. 但是如果我们要增加体重,我们就必须找到另一个可以恢复体重的地方. We have to stick with the numbers which are given to us. We have to work around the number and we have no flexibility.”

Weight Problems

制造商和铸造厂工程团队必须合作解决与减轻铸件重量相关的持续难题. 消息人士一致认为,为了解决问题,代工厂需要的不仅仅是规格和零件样品, 这意味着它们应该提供完整的功能, including its mechanical loads. 看到铸件周围被订购的相邻部分也是基本的. Without this level of context, 铸造工程师就像谚语所说的盲人围着大象, 每个人都能根据他们能触摸到的身体部位来描述野兽.  

设计和铸造经验是合作者所拥有的最强大的资源, 马丁内斯说, but the right machinery and processes are essential, especially to solve the biggest challenge of all. 

“Any cast part is a puzzle,” he said. “你可以有小的铸造厂,制造极其复杂的零件使用, 例如, investment 铸造s, but they will make perhaps 10 parts a day. 这是非常复杂的,因为过程很复杂,几何结构也很复杂. 现在,如果我们转向大规模生产,这不仅仅是铸造过程的问题. 以气缸盖为例-每年生产数百万个具有相同质量,相同材料和相同几何形状的缸盖,  每年数百万美元, it strains so many different areas of expertise: the foundry, 取心, 热处理, 加工, dimensional control, logistics and others.”

确保每一个令人眼花缭乱的轻量化部件的完美取决于完美的机器性能, 马丁内斯是坚定的,当他指出铸造厂必须做的最关键的事情,以始终如一地履行铸造讨价还价的一方:持续的预防性维护. 

Beyond uptime for existing equipment, many U.S. 诺斯表示,铸造厂可以利用高科技投资的健康发展.

“轻量化需要更薄的壁段,这是复杂的铸件,”他说. “If they’re structural components, they have to be heat treatable aluminum, which means they have to be virtually zero porosity, and if they’re 汽车, they’ve got to be low cost.  

“你必须有非常高水平的铸造过程控制,”他补充说. 你必须要有最新的技术来提供更好的过程控制, much better cooling capability, and allows you to do center walls, 低孔隙度, heat treatable 铸造s; you get thinner and thinner walls and hollow sections. 现在, 你的重量很轻,而且你可以用铝来铸造东西,而在过去,你必须使用球墨灰铸铁——你可以用同样的成本来做到这一点.”


诺斯所描述的精密程度的投资成本很高, one that puts small foundries at a disadvantage. But innovation can help.  

“我们正在与一些客户合作,使用成本更低的倾斜浇注机和更低成本的工具来制造相当于高压薄壁的组件,诺斯说。. “We have 铸造 designers here, 因此,我们正在帮助(客户)设计制造这些薄壁和低孔隙率要求的倾斜倾倾设备组件,这可能对降低汽车产量具有经济意义.

“... 有可能有机会永久模具重力馈送解决方案或低压,而不是非常昂贵的高压模具,他补充道. “That’s something we’ve been working with a lot.”
诺斯说,他在10月中旬参加的一个汽车会议肯定了这两个方向. “对我来说,一个重要的收获是,相对小批量的汽车将会激增. 这意味着Anderson Global将昂贵的高压压铸组件转换为低压甚至重力永久模具的能力可能变得非常重要.”

合金当然是任何关于轻量化的讨论的因素, 合金的一些新发展有可能帮助铸造制造合作伙伴实现减轻重量,但改变合金不能轻易进入. 在铸造厂引入一种新合金可能会对其运营造成严重破坏, 特别是当新铸锭中的化合物不能以任何方式与工厂中现有的金属混合时. 新, 仅仅浇铸一种不同于先前用于特定部件的合金,也可能会出现意想不到的结果. 

“当你从一种材料切换到另一种材料,或者从一种热处理到另一种热处理,因为你想改善你的轻量化部分, 大多数情况下,你会改变残余应力的状态, particularly if you change the 热处理 recipe, and you cannot quantify it easily; you don’t see those stresses easily,马丁内斯说。. “测量这些压力的方法实际上是复杂、昂贵和耗时的. A new alloy can play a role in the fatigue performance and the strength of your part; and, 在某种程度上, 还有你的零件的变形——你可以制造一个有很多应力的零件,然后你开始加工这个零件,它就会在你面前变形. The balance between all of those little details is very complex.”


尽管事实上有相当多关于icev的预测将与ev相关, according to Halonen, 总有一天,当发动机铸件的需求比现在少的时候,那些在IECV领域发挥作用的铸造厂将不得不重新定义自己的电动汽车业务,或者转向其他行业,以取代任何业务消失的部分.

“我会从《威尼斯注册送38元》(Shark Tank)节目中借用一句台词,那就是‘找到你的路’,”哈洛宁说. “想想你真正擅长的是什么,然后充分利用它. 当然, you have to adjust to the market, 所以如果你的气缸盖做得很好那么你的客户要求的气缸盖就越来越少了, then take that capability and go find the space. It might be a motor housing, a hollow subframe, or lower control arm for an electric pickup or something like that, yet instead of trying to be everything to everybody, do what you’re really good at and continue to hone that skill.” 


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