

环境 - 2021年3月2日


香农吉姆 | 现代铸造

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Metalcasting businesses gain many advantages through efforts to become more sustainable. 他们可以省钱, 为员工和社区改善环境, 并表明他们可以成为客户自身可持续发展目标的一部分. 

AFS recognizes foundries that have taken significant and novel approaches to improve 可持续性, 减少能源和资源的使用, 消除废物的产生, identify beneficial reuse options for spent materials and generally reduce their environmental footprint with Green Foundry awards, 提出了每年. 


威尼斯注册送38元公司. (Waupaca, 威斯康星州)获得绿色铸造可持续发展奖, 麦克文延展性犹他(普罗沃, 犹他州)获得绿色铸造创新奖, 约翰迪尔铸造厂(滑铁卢), 爱荷华州)获得绿色铸造社区参与奖.


在AFS公司成员约翰迪尔铸造厂, 用过的沙子被当作填充物,埋在当地的采石场20年. 在一年的时间里,这家铸造厂可以产生多达13.6万吨的废砂. In 2014, 铸造时产生的废砂量达到峰值, the local quarry announced it was going to resume mining operations in the portion of the quarry devoted to foundry sand disposal. Initial projections showed they were only able to accept sand from John Deere for three more years at that site.


“我开始观察其他采石场,探索有益的再利用,安东尼·戈奇说, 约翰迪尔的高级环境工程师. 当这没有带来一个可行的解决方案时,Goettsch不得不发挥创造力. “我决定看看是否有人可以在水泥制造中使用这些沙子. 我打了几个陌生电话,大家都说我在邀请你. A supplier in Mason City said they were interested in taking that material to supplant raw sand used during cement manufacture, 我们开始通过这个项目来实现它.”

The agreement involved John Deere diverting its waste sand from the local quarry to the cement manufacturer. 水泥制造商支付了沙子的费用, 但约翰·迪尔需要支付将沙子运到梅森市的费用, 爱荷华州, 距离滑铁卢的约翰迪尔工厂83英里. The goal was to find a waste sand solution that was cost neutral to John Deere’s operations, 所以运输成本, delivery of sand and value of the sand had to maintain a beneficial balance for both companies.

约翰迪尔遇到的第一个主要障碍是基础设施. 卸货码头不够高,无法容纳半挂车的装运. 现有的废砂码头仅为短钢拖车设计, 这阻碍了铸造厂获得有竞争力的运输报价的能力. John Deere and shipping companies did not want to modify their equipment to accommodate due to the high capital costs.

另外, the transportation distance for disposal increased from 12 miles to 83 miles one way. Initial quotes were double John Deere’s current cost, and this turned out to be the largest hurdle. 经过三个月的谈判, John Deere’s supply management group worked to negotiate a more favorable transportation cost by identifying two money-saving items. 第一个, a trucking company was found that would meet John Deere’s height restriction with a modern trailer. 第二个, the cement manufacturer offered a better price for the sand based on the assurance the material coming from John Deere would be pre-screened to less than 0.75 in. 直径,因此需要较少的处理在窑. 最终的价格导致每吨节省65美分.

最后一个挑战是后勤. 产生的废砂的数量取决于铸造厂的生产速度. 采石场就在12英里外, shipping spent sand from the foundry to the quarry multiple times a day was no problem. But the trek to the kiln in Mason City could be a four-hour round trip—not so easily done. The available area for waste sand storage at John Deere proved to be a chokepoint for production—sometimes filling up to capacity causing upstream production to stop until the material was shipped out of the dock. 铸造砂需要连续卸载, so shipping needed to be available at all hours and existing storage managed carefully.

John Deere used an existing but not used function of its transportation management system that automatically sends alerts to the drivers letting them know when the bins are ready to be offloaded.  
“This aspect has incurred the most teething pain because we needed to re-learn a process that has worked seamlessly for over a decade,Goettsch说.

2015年12月1日,第一批用于水泥生产的废砂被送出. 在转移废物流的第一年, 38,222吨废砂作为原料被送去使用, 在铸造厂产生的废砂中,哪一种约占61%. By 2019, 42,099 tons of spent sand was sent for use as raw product—72% of total spent sand generated that year. 此外,铸造厂现在看到4美元.与2015年相比,每吨节省40美元,到2019年相当于185235美元.


作为能源密集型产业的代表, AFS企业会员威尼斯注册送38元(Waupaca, Wisconsin) has pursued 能源 use reduction practices and projects to cut carbon emissions and maintain global competitiveness. 多年来, 削减的努力以项目为基础, but in 2015 the company began a 12-month effort to create and implement an 能源 management program for 能源 efficiency (ISO 50001).

“我们一个项目接一个项目地取得了成功, 但就到此为止了,布莱恩特·埃施说, 沃帕卡大学环境工程主任. “你只能追求好的项目. 采用管理结构方法是一种更有条理的方法. We are using metrics to track what is going on and that has really reshaped our direction.”

该计划包括确定和实施提高能源效率的机会, 收集和分析数据,以衡量能源消耗和性能, 开展与能源有关的培训和宣传措施, and conducting an internal audit to identify and fix shortcomings relative to the ISO standard.

这项工作需要管理部门和工作人员的充分承诺, but fortunately many systems required for ISO 50001 were already in gear at Waupaca铸造.

“大揭露是, 如果一家铸造厂想要达到ISO 50001能源标准, 它实际上与其他ISO程序非常相似,埃施说. “你可以利用很多你已经做过的东西,你已经达到了60%.”
Waupaca achieved third-party registration of the Energy Management System under an accredited ISO 50001 certification on October 20, 2016年,这是美国首个注册的超铸师.S. 也是威斯康辛州所有工业中第二的设施.

能源管理系统帮助威尼斯注册送38元实现了一个大胆的目标. In 2010, the company pledged it would reduce its 能源 intensity by 25% in a 10-year time period.

“It started getting a lot harder because all the easy stuff was done already,埃施说. “在过去的三到四年里,只有硬的东西留下了. 但我们仍然有这个目标和目标. 在本财年即将结束之际,我们的预算减少了23%, 我们真的很接近最后的2%了. The management program has accelerated our success in squeezing the last juice of the orange.”

基于沃帕卡试点设施项目的成功, ISO 50001 registration is planned for a larger organizational roll out to its other plants throughout the U.S.


能源审计在AFS公司成员麦克文球墨铸铁犹他州(普罗沃), Utah) identified an outdated compressed air system as the largest user of electricity in the plant, 消费的27%. In 2013, McWane通过实施两个项目对系统进行了升级:第一, 第二,更换过时的螺杆旋转压缩机, 重新铺设整个工厂的主要压缩空气管道. 

旧的压缩空气系统仅通过空气压力进行监控. Compressors would be manually turned on when a drop in air pressure was noted due to an increase in demand. 当工厂更换了过时的旋转螺杆压缩机, it chose new compressors linked to smart valves that monitor plant air usage and automatically adjust output to meet demand.  

其次, 原来的压缩机管路变成了一个循环, 隔离特定区域进行维修是很困难的. 当更换管线时, McWane installed them in a new layout that did not loop to isolate areas for troubleshooting.

压缩空气系统升级后, 麦克文公司的能源消耗减少了2%,每年500兆瓦(基于2012年数据). 这相当于每年排放超过2600吨的二氧化碳.

Large initial capital and labor costs of the project were offset by a significant rebate from the regional electric company. 每年节省成本超过18万美元,投资回收期为两年.
还有节能, 压缩机正常运行时间延长, 节省维护人员完成其他工作的时间. More consistent compressed air feed to pneumatic systems also reduced process variability. 另外, the new compressed air lines are clearly marked and equipped with the latest safety devices.

压缩空气在整个铸造行业被广泛使用. 即使资金和劳动力成本很高, 成本节约和环境效益使其成为一项合理的投资.    

#能源 #可持续性